Text optimization includes the collection of semantics, clustering and key generation for pages. Let’s break down all these obscure words in more detail.

Semantics are topic queries that are relevant to our site, page, service, or business in general. Gathering semantics means gathering a list of queries that we could potentially get into a listing. It is with semantics that text optimization begins.

Semantics is a treasure trove of insights that can help you improve your product. This is where extraordinary queries are buried, the implementation of which will help attract more traffic to the site and generate more profits. In the pizzeria example, you might find that people often write “order pizza and rolls. And this is a vector of development – to add to the store rolls.

Clustering is the division of semantics into groups of queries, which the search engine considers one topic and displays it plus or minus the same results.

Ideally, each cluster has its own web page. That way we don’t just cover all the semantics of the queries, but also get caught up with people with the right offer.

A blog is a great way to natively advertise for information requests. For example, this blog has a lot of articles outside of email listings. This expands the semantics and number of clusters. An SEO article is the solution to those clusters. We write 10-15 articles each month, and we have SEO-not-optimized material as well. Paradoxically, this article is not sharpened for SEO.

When working with clusters, you need flexibility. Not always one cluster – one page under it. It happens that the page perfectly combines two clusters and it does not need division. And sometimes low-frequency (fewer people are looking for them than high-frequency) clusters are not disclosed on a separate page, and within a page, confined to a high-frequency cluster. In this case, the search engine can immediately move to the right place in the article and highlight the important text.

Another important rule: for one cluster – one page. Otherwise pages will cannibalize each other: distribute traffic between them, because of which they will fall behind competitors and fall in prominence.

Adding keywords (keywords). Keywords help search engines sort sites for specific queries. On issuance affects the number of occurrences of keys in the text, their case and a bunch of other factors:

  • Keyword overspamming.
  • Dangerous words – cigarettes, alcohol, adult videos.
  • Links to low-quality sites.
  • Abuse of water and stop words.
  • Other.

Only relying on the cluster will not be able to derive the perfect formula for the keys and their inclusion in the text. Therefore, the selection of keys to the page – a study of your competitors, with whom you later have to compete in the extradition. They are already in it, which means they have a ready recipe for keywords, which they derived by accident or in the analysis of their competitor.

Preparing the keys is a research job that takes several hours. Specialized services help to find the keys on the page. Here is a list of services with which the SEO during text optimization:

  • Semantics collection (Ahrefs, Semrush, Serpstat, Wordstat).
  • Clustering: (KeyAssort, KeyClusterer).
  • Text analysis: (ISTIO, Copywritely).

Optimizing text for search engine optimization is always a compromise. Editing works according to its laws, text optimization according to its own laws: they rarely overlap. It is impossible to add all the keys without loss of clarity and simplicity. Sometimes the words in the article are not intended at all, which is provided for in SEO.

Often you have to sacrifice SEO to keep the text cool. And the hardest part is determining the line where keys can be relatively painlessly integrated into the text.

Improving behavioral factors

On issuance affects the behavior of the user in the search engine for a query and the behavior on the page after he clicked on a snippet. A snippet is an announcement of the result in the results. Snippet includes a page title, link, and description with a highlighted query.

Snippets have CTR – the ratio of impressions to clicks. If a snippet has too low CTR in comparison with others, then this result gradually falls lower and lower. The search engine regards this as a confirmation that the snippet does not contain the necessary information on the request.

But this feature of search engines can be turned to their advantage. The more accurate the snippet on your page responds to the user query, the more chances that it will be clicked. Through a more accurate title can overtake your competitor and take his place.

But search engines also look at the user’s behavior on the page itself after the click. They are interested in:

  • The time the user spends on the page.
  • Bounce rate – closing the page immediately after opening.
  • Depth of view – the transition of the user to other pages of the site. If they are there, this is a good signal.
  • Actions – views of videos and clicks on some interactive elements.
  • Transitions to other pages within the domain.
  • User actions after closing the page. If he returned to the output and went to click on other queries, then on the first site he found no answer – for search engine this is a negative indicator.

So entice people with a bright headline on a useless page – not an option. There will be a high bounce rate: despite the high CTR, you will not get to the top.

To improve user behavior on the page, add interesting mechanics that will give clicks and keep the user longer: video, interactive, useful infographics.

External optimization

Search engines take into account mentions of the domain and page on other resources. For example, if a news portal about Orenburg will write about the new pizzeria and attach a link to the site, it will be a plus for the pizzeria for SEO. The more mentions of the site from quality sources, the more authoritative it is according to search engines.

Working with mentions is a controlled process. Get partners, negotiate for publications – so you will attract a new audience to your project and make SEO a little better.

Native advertising is also beneficial for SEO. Only in this case you will have to pay for the placement. This is suitable for startups and projects that, for whatever reason, cannot find partners.

How to implement SEO on your website

What costs a site needs for search engine optimization depends on competitors, project ambitions and objectives.

Let’s consider three approaches to implementing SEO.

Doing it yourself. Suitable for small projects with low competition in the search. For example, a pizzeria from a small town.

To break into the top for some queries, do not need an experienced SEO specialist. These can do it to the owner, if he has the desire and time. Enough to read the Help on Google and read a few articles on the topic of SEO.

You can also take courses. There are also courses on SEO in major online universities.

A minimum plan of minimum SEO for small companies:

  • Collect semantics.
  • Cluster semantics and create landing pages for large clusters.
  • Add keywords to each page.
  • Fill out company cards, add photos, ask loyal users to write reviews.
  • Create a community in social networks.
  • Place in directories.

Hire a SEO specialist on a project-by-project basis. If you do not have time to do SEO yourself, you can hire a SEO specialist for a certain period of time. He will take the site to the top and leave.

For a site with weak competition will take 10-15 hours: the collection of semantics, writing technical specifications, basic technical work with the site and external optimization. On average, an hour of seoshnika costs $10. If he will deal with the project for 15 hours, you need $ 150 or about 11 thousand rubles. The figure is approximate: it depends on the state of the site, the competence of the specialist and other factors.

Hire a full-time SEO specialist. Suitable for sites with high competition and those who can recoup the monthly cost of SEO.

The first time you can not track the results. The SEO needs time to set up processes, put the site in order, to prescribe terms of reference. And people from organic will not come right away – the site will slowly climb in extradition, and traffic will gradually increase. In about six months you can evaluate the results.

Criteria for quality SEO

Suppose you have a website and it is search engine optimization. How do you know that SEO is working? And if SEO is working, by what metrics can you tell if it’s working well?

Here’s what to pay attention to:

  • The amount of organic traffic to the site as a whole and to important commercial pages. If the dynamics from month to month increases, it is a sign that SEO is bearing fruit. When there are no dynamics, something is wrong.
  • The number of requests or payments from organics. Multiplying them by the average check, you can track how much revenue SEO brings. If it pays off – everything is fine.
  • Visibility by keyword.
  • List of tasks completed. See what tasks the SEO takes for the quarter and how many of them are performed.

Do not forget that the SEO needs time to implement optimization: only after a certain period of time is worth tracking metrics.